Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Olympics Day!!

The Olympics in London came to a close this Sunday. But before the games ended, here at Will Run for Fun we got a chance to participate in our very own Olympics!

Everyone showed up at the Newton South Track last Thursday with their game faces on and were decked out in bright colors to represent a nation. We had kids representing Great Britain, Portugal, USA, Canada and even Swaziland!

We started out by rotating through five different events, which included the long jump, balance beam, discus, 100m dash and hurdles.

The long jump tested their ability to jump as far as they could- with a running start of course! We even wrote their names next to the place where they landed. At the balance beam, the kids practiced their balancing skills by walking on a thin line and trying out some different gymnastics moves too! Our take on the discus (an event where a large, heavy disc is thrown as far as possible) included light Frisbees. Not only did we see how far the kids could throw the disc, but we also tested their aiming skills by having them throw the disc at two targets (hula hoops). On the track, we practiced speed by having a 100m dash. This event was definitely a favorite of the kids! Everyone was also very enthusiastic about the hurdles (kids sized of course!) which involved both running and jumping at the same time.

All of us then took to the track for the final event- the 400m relay. All competing as a single team, everyone tried their best- and no one ended up walking! The kids handed off to their teammates with great ease. It takes even the most skilled runner a long time to master the art of a hand-off, and these kids have a great start. We even had a dad on the track- he was certainly a lot of help with keeping the kids going! On of our own staff members anchored the relay. This was really a treat for everyone to watch!

In the end, the kids truly captured the Olympic spirit by congratulating each of the participants in the games and celebrating their successes with awards and Popsicles.

We are so glad that this day went just as planned. Everyone's enthusiasm really kept the games going and the mood was incredibly optimistic! (even when the kids were tired)

Thank you all for such a wonderful Olympics Day!

And make sure to check out even more photos of the events on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/WillRunForFun

What a close race during the 100m dash!

The kids took to the balance beam in our only non-track event!

                         The long jump!

A dramatic handoff during the 400m relay race!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What We've Been Up To #2

London is calling all campers! This week we announced that Olympics day will be taking place on Thursday August 9. We have a ton of great events lined up for everyone- from the 100 meter dash, to hurdles and even the balance beam (for our more gymnastics inclined campers).

In preparation for this day, the camper have spent the past couple of sessions picking up their game and training to be true competitors. We pushed each and every kid to do their best and try to run a little farther than they had before. While some were reluctant at first, we all knew that they had it in them. Every single camper was capable of running farther (and in some cases, faster) than they ever had before. And they succeeded in that when they went on a continuous "long run" around the fields. By the end, we could tell by their panting and sweating that they were tired, but they had worked hard.

But it certainly isn't all work and no play here at Will Run for Fun. We tried out some new games this week at the end of each day. A favorite of the kid was "Fishy Fishy Cross My Ocean". They really got into it and ended up having so much fun!

We look forward to seeing everyone at the next couple of sessions!

Look out London 2012, here we come!

Leda and the Will Run for Fun team

Make sure to check us out on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/#!/WillRunForFun

Baton in hand and ready for the Olympics!

A game of fishy-fishy cross my ocean to wrap up the day.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What We've Been Up To

Wondering what's been going on at "Will Run for Fun"? Then you've come to the right place! Here, I will be updating everyone once a week about the kids progress, the activities that we're doing and all the fun stuff in between!

So far, we've been having a great time at WRFF. The kids are super enthusiastic about running- and many of them have never even tried the sport before!

We start each day with a little tidbit of information relating to running (like the importance of hydration or stretching). This time is an opportunity for the kids to learn about how to stay safe and get the most out of running.

After warm-ups (pictured above) and stretching, the volunteers take the kids on a run. We make sure to go at a steady, conversational pace and ask the everyone how they're doing throughout the run. Some kids will go for a longer distance if they're up to it, while others will return to the meeting spot to cool off with some water and stretching. It is really important that the kids are comfortable during the runs yet are still willing to challenge themselves to go a little bit further each time.

The last part of the day (and certainly the best part, according to the kids) is game time! Games are encouraged at WRFF because they keep everyone moving and are often a bit slower paced, which is great for a cool down. Some games we have played so far are capture the flag, freeze tag, and -a unanimous favorite- drip drip drop! I mean, who can resist having water dropped on their head on a ninety degree day?

Hope everyone is enjoying the program as much as we are!                                                                                     Pictured above: Group stretching allows the kids
                                                                                                    to offer their own ideas for a stretch!

Leda and the WRFF Team

 "Circle Time" at the beginning of the clinic. Here, we discuss different running topics and try to remember everyones names!

The group goes on a run together around the fields.

The kids (and volunteers!) enjoy a game of capture the flag at the end of the day.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why Kids Should Join "Will Run for Fun"... And More!

  • "Will Run for Fun" aims to involved elementary aged children (grades 4-6) in long distance running. 
  • Most kids of this age are only exposed to sports such as soccer, baseball etc. and not running.
  • Running is an ideal sport for kids who aren’t super sporty.
  • Running is both an individual sport and a team sport.
  • Running can help kids gain self-confidence.
  • Running is a very efficient sport, as you are constantly moving while doing it. It can help kids become healthier/make better lifestyle choices.
  • Running requires very little equipment (meaning very little cost!).
  • This clinic only costs $15 for the whole session, which mainly pays for the cost of a cool t-shirt! All extra money is used for incidentals (this clinic is strictly nonprofit). 
  • Payment does not need to be made in advance; it can be paid the first day.
  • This clinic is affiliated with the Girl Scouts (it is a Girl Scout gold award project).
  • Kids do not have to come every single session, we’re flexible!
  • Kids will not only learn how to learn run, but also how to stretch, eat healthy etc.
  • Counselors/volunteers are mainly high school students from Newton South who participate in track/cross country. In addition, the majority of volunteers have experience with working with children and are also CPR certified.  
  • Water will be provided.
  • Distances aren’t ridiculously long. They will range from a half mile to 3 miles, and kids will work their way up and only run what they are comfortable with. 
  • Kids won't just be running the whole time.... we're going to make it FUN! We will play games and do some running-related activities.

    Can't wait to see you soon!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sign Ups Are Live!

If you would like to sign up for our clinic, please go to

In a few days, other forms that are required for sign up will also be posted.

Monday, June 11, 2012

What is Will Run for Fun? A Quick FAQ

What is Will Run for Fun?

Will Run for Fun is a Newton Youth program directed by me, a senior girl scout, and volunteers from the Newton South High School running programs that aims to involve elementary aged children in long distance running.

Where and when is it taking place?

6:30 to 7:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. July 5th- August 16th at the Newton South Track and surrounding fields.

How old do kids have to be?

Participants must be going into 4th grade, going into 5th grade or going into 6th grade. Both boys and girls are welcome!

How much does it cost?

My project is affiliated with the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts and is therefore strictly a nonprofit organization. However, the cost of participation is $15, which covers the cost of a t-shirt as well as any incidentals (such as water).

Why is running so great?

So many reasons! Not only is long distance running an amazing source of physical exercise, but it also helps in keeping ones emotional and mental health in balance. Running is also the most efficient way of exercising because it is continuous. And most importantly, running is FUN! Everyone loves running around when they're little, so why doesn't this love for running continue throughout childhood and into adolescence? I can guarantee that each child will learn to love running. Children will even build friendships and learn about the sport and themselves in the process.

Who is going to be in charge?

I, Leda, will be in charge of the entire process and will have help along the way from my friends/volunteers from Newton South High School's track/cross country teams. I love working with kids. In fact, I have been a CIT at a camp for two years and also volunteer at the preschool at Newton South. I also really enjoy running (of course!) and run year round, competing three seasons per year.

How do I sign up?

More information/forms will be coming your way via this blog shortly! However, if you are interested please contact me at olialeda@gmail.com and I will update you when the forms are available.

More Questions?

Leave them in the comments section at the bottom of this page or contact me a olialeda@gmail.com

Can't wait for this summer!

Leda :)

P.S. Official Facebook page and Twitter coming soon!